Managed Detection and Response.

Comprehensive protection through Managed Detection and Response, providing expert security against the most sophisticated threats.


Protect from even the most sophisticated attacks.

in today’s digital landscape, even the most advanced anti-virus and EDR solutions can block up to 99% of threats. However, the remaining —often the most sophisticated and targeted attacks—require an additional layer of defence: the human layer. Managed Detection and Response (MDR) provides this critical defence by integrating expert human oversight with advanced technology, ensuring your business is protected from even the most elusive threats.

The human layer of defence.

Why technology alone isn’t enough.

Anti-virus and EDR are essential for detecting and blocking known threats, but they have their limits. Sophisticated, targeted attacks can evade these systems, leaving your business vulnerable. The risks of these breaches are significant, including data theft, financial loss, and damage to your reputation.

Adding the human element.

Managed Detection and Response (MDR) enhances your security by integrating human expertise. Connecting your systems to a 24/7 Security Operations Centre (SOC), MDR brings in skilled security professionals who monitor, analyse, and respond to threats that automated tools might miss.

Rapid and effective action.

When threats are detected, SOC experts assess and respond quickly. They can isolate compromised systems, block malicious activity, and even trigger disaster recovery if needed. This proactive approach, coupled with continuous threat hunting, ensures that your business stays ahead of evolving cyber threats.


Proactive, and reactive defence.

MDR works by enhancing EDR capabilities, allowing security analysts to take direct action on endpoints when unusual activity is detected. When a threat is identified, anti-virus agents communicate with the central MDR service, enabling a swift and informed response. This system is not only reactive but also proactive.

Security experts engage in continuous threat hunting, actively searching for vulnerabilities and potential threats that standard tools might miss. MDR goes beyond just endpoint protection, integrating with your entire network infrastructure. It monitors feeds from network firewalls, cloud environments like Microsoft 365 and Azure, and other critical systems, offering a comprehensive defence across your organisation.

Regulatory Compliance.

MDR helps maintain regulatory compliance by providing detailed monitoring, reporting, and documentation of security activities, ensuring your business meets required standards.

Improved Insurance Coverage.

By incorporating a human layer of defence and proactive threat hunting, MDR significantly strengthens your overall security posture, making your organisation more resilient against sophisticated and evolving cyber threats.


Our Cyber Security services

Next Generation Anti-virus

Next-gen Anti-virus with EDR: Real-time, machine learning protection that detects and responds to advanced threats, offering superior security and network isolation as standard.

Managed Detection and Response.

Beyond Anti-virus, with 24/7 expert monitoring, active threat hunting, and integrated network defence for holistic, end-to-end protection against advanced attacks.

Email Security.

Safeguard against phishing, malicious links, and impersonation attacks with seamless, proactive security beyond basic Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace defences.

Phishing Simulation and Training.

Test and train employees with realistic threat emails, reducing phishing susceptibility from 70% to single digits. Track progress and boost cyber awareness effectively.

Vulnerability Scanning.

Proactively identify and patch security gaps with automated scans, reducing attack risks. Stay compliant with industry regulations and safeguard against data breaches.

Microsoft 365 Risk Management.

Enhanced your Microsoft 365 security with Secure Score audits, real-time threat monitoring, and comprehensive cloud activity management to reduce account takeover by 68%.


What are the benefits of our Cyber Security services?

Reduce Business Threats.

Our experts proactively identify and address security threats and vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by leveraging advanced technology and streamlined processes.

Cyber Security Specialists.

Our team of cybersecurity experts consists of highly skilled professionals who stay ahead of emerging threats. With their extensive knowledge of security services and effective defence strategies, you can trust that your protection is in capable hands.

Vulnerability Assessment.

Through a thorough evaluation of your network infrastructure, systems, and security controls, our professional network vulnerability assessments are designed to uncover potential security risks and vulnerabilities.

Risk Assesments.

With a comprehensive report on your IT systems, you’ll be equipped to develop a robust cyber strategy that effectively prevents, mitigates, and responds to potential threats.

Fully Managed Services.

By utilising our fully managed services, you’ll free up time and resources to focus on growing your business. With preventative measures and the expertise of our cyber consultants, you can rest assured that you have a strong defence in place.

Phishing Simulation and Training.

Professional cybersecurity solutions are fully scalable. As your business expands, you can have peace of mind knowing that your cybersecurity will evolve and grow with it, providing robust defences you can rely on to prevent and address cyber threats.

The complete business technology solution.