SLAs vs. XLAs

Whilst SLAs are crucial, the often fall short in measuring overall success in todays dynamic IT support environment.


Moving beyond traditional SLAs

While SLAs are crucial, they often fall short in measuring overall success in today’s dynamic IT environment. The traditional SLA approach may not fully capture the complexities of modern IT support, where multiple stakeholders and diverse locations impact service delivery.

Global 4 believes in evolving beyond standard SLAs by placing a strong emphasis on the customer experience. We recognise that service success isn’t just about meeting technical targets but about how these services impact the end-user.


What is a traditional SLA?

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a formal contract between a service provider and a customer that outlines the expected level of service and performance. Commonly used in the IT industry, SLAs ensure services are delivered consistently and to a satisfactory standard. Key components of SLAs include:

  • Service Description: Defines the scope, purpose, and features of the service being provided.
  • Service Metrics: Includes Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as response times, uptime percentages, and resolution times to measure performance.
  • Performance Targets: Specifies the goals for each metric, often expressed as percentages or timeframes.
  • Responsibilities: Outlines the duties of both the service provider and the customer, clarifying who is responsible for what and the steps to take in case of service disruptions.
  • Monitoring and Reporting: Details how performance is monitored and reported, including the frequency and tools used.
  • Escalation Procedures: Provides a process for escalating issues within the service provider’s organisation or to external parties if necessary.


The new standard in IT Support.

An Experience Level Agreement (XLA) extends beyond traditional SLAs by incorporating the end-user experience into performance measurements. Unlike SLAs, which focus on technical metrics such as response times and uptime, XLAs assess how these metrics affect user satisfaction, usability, and overall experience.

By focusing on XLAs, we build a comprehensive picture of our relationship and engagement with your organisation. This approach allows us to adapt and refine our service continuously, ensuring we meet your evolving needs. Our CXMs are integral to this process, working directly with your team to identify opportunities for improvement, manage changes, and ensure a seamless experience.

Global 4 is committed to being proactive and present, whether by working on-site to understand your challenges or through regular virtual meetings to keep our services aligned with your expectations.

Measured through feedback.

We gather feedback at every engagement level through direct communication with your dedicated Customer Experience Manager (CXM).

Regular reporting.

We provide ongoing reviews of service performance and share our helpdesk tools to ensure transparency and honesty.

Light touch feedback.

We request feedback on each support ticket to monitor service quality closely.


Learn more today.

Our support plans

Finding the right IT support is essential for any business, and that’s why we offer a range of flexible plans to suit your unique needs. Click below to learn more about our plans, and how we can tailor them to your business.

Cyber Essentials.

Cyber Essentials certification demonstrates your commitment to cybersecurity. Global 4 guides you through the certification process, helping you implement key security measures and address vulnerabilities.

Going beyond SLA’s

While Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are a useful measure of response times, we believe they are not enough to gauge the true satisfaction of IT users. That’s why we operate XLAs, and look at the overall customer experience.

The complete business technology solution.